Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dalet Part 2: Mega Memory

The visual cortex of the brain is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful tools that we have been given in this life. It amazes me that I did not have even one class on how to use this potentially enlightening gift in any of my classes in preschool. If you want to make your child smart, you would introduce them to this side of their intelligence as early as possible. Crowley said that children should be instructed in the symbolism of Tarot as early as possible, and for good reason.
Linking visualization with memory is the key to hyper expansion of the memory. Anything that you are trying to memorize (names, directions, study sheets) can be compacted into series of pictures, animations, or symbols. It has been theorized that the Occipital Lobe can receive information directly from the pineal gland, and that we are realizing hidden dimensions of awareness inside the mind when utilizing this phenomenon. Many of us in the in the ever growing circle of mystics, understand the all pervading energy of the symbol. By awakening the mind to the language of symbols, you automatically begin to awaken dormant patterns of observation and integration. Memory becomes expanded and information in the nether regions of the mind comes to light with ease never before imagined.

I remember engaging this forgotten asset of the mind for the first time in middle school. My English teacher was submerging us into the world of poetry. Gently guided into a meditative state, we were told to visualize our minds as a chalk board. The board is full of everything that is buzzing in our lives: jumbled emotions, worries, hopes, etc. We were instructed to wipe the board clean with a few giant sweeps of an imaginary eraser. I remember breaching the familiar feeling of clarity, though I had not experienced it at this intensity. From this primordial stepping stone, we ventured into a shamanic journey of colors, sounds, and textures. We were told to just let images regarding these sensations to fill our minds. She spoke the color BLUE, and I was overwhelmed by the smell of the ocean, the sand at my feet and the cool breeze of the water on my face. Eventually, these images given to me by my own mind would become my first poem.

This powerful lesson was to become a jumping point for my research later in life.
Jumping ahead to my first band….

I have not always been a very versatile musician. Most people who have tried to play heavy metal understand that it can be quite confrontational. Jazz musicians usually don’t have a hard time picking it up, but I barley played guitar and was 17 at the time and had not been playing for more than a few years. I was having trouble remembering a particular rift, when my good friend and past band mate, Alex Bois, gave me a very thoughtful suggestion. He said, “See the riff as an airplane.” What the hell was he talking about?! Eventually, I saw that the shape of the riff on the guitar fret board and it really did take the form of an airplane. From that point on, I was able to visualize all the riffs as different shapes and symbols and never had a problem remembering anything.

Jumping forward again to the present, I came across the work of Kevin Trudeau. I purchased his tapes on Mega Memory for 1 cent off and I’m sure it is still cheaply available. Kevin’s system depends mostly on the development of an exaggerated analogous narrative. He walks the individual through a guided meditation of a ridiculous story that seems to have no relativity unto itself. It becomes undeniably clear after several repetitions of the narrative, that the eccentricity of the story is the mechanism for memory. According to Kevin’s method, the more exaggerated you can visualize your metaphor, the easier it will be to remember. Kevin’s guided visualization was something along the lines of:

[You are climbing the Statue of Liberty. You walk to the top and step the edge of the crown and throw a hundred purple pennies down to the ground. You jump from the statue and land on the back of a red bus. The bus spins around the corner and runs over an old man dressed as a ring master...etc]

Though the narrative was longer and more detailed but you get the point. The visualization was repeated about 3 times and then we were asked to remember specific details of the journey. The details are much easier to remember when you can SEE them, as if they were a past experience.

The mind cannot perceive the difference between what is imagined and what real.

I employed this technique throughout the remainder of my college experience and saved countless hours memorizing mundane facts about whatnot, and who done it. I remember memorizing the 7 step problem solving model by creating a cartoon character in my head that went through a series of exaggerated metaphorical actions. Worked like a charm.

Here is a graphic representation of my visualized narrative for the problem solving method in a simpler form. In reality, the narrative would be much more colorful, detailed, and animated:

Match the visuals to the corresponding number on the problem solving model:
  1. Define and Identify the Problem
  2. Analyze the Problem
  3. Identifying Possible Solutions
  4. Selecting the Best Solutions
  5. Evaluating Solutions
  6. Develop an Action Plan
  7. Implement the Solution

The development of the narrative with several walkthroughs of the visualization is all it takes for memorizing mundane facts in accordance to the educational curriculum. There are countless other applications for this technique. So get out there and do some exploring!


1 comment:

  1. great entry and i agree, i use this method a lot in teaching.
